A house in the forest

Aura uses a series of strategic tools that allow developers to optimize their investment. A human-centered approach to development through conversations, geometries and numbers.

Strategic illustrations

Enabling our clients to visualize the potential of their development.

Plan of a house

Schematic planning

Spatial organisation and arrangement options that align with the project vision.

Schematic planning

Vision & forecast

Visualisation of the project and optimizing the return on investment.

Schematic planning 23D perspective

Strategic workshops

Generating ideas and methodologies for the longevity of your development.


Report & storyboarding

Aspirational and functional representation of the development.

House interior designinterior kitchenInterior design
3D model of a personal development
Lean house development, seen from above.
Drawing of a veranda
Fully optimized house, see from above.
Drawing of a house in the middle of the trees

Current projects


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Ocean bigness